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Robotic “Re-Sleeve” Gastrectomy Houston

Robotic “re-sleeve” or sleeve recalibration is a revision surgery that describes the concept of re-calibrating or re-sleeving the stomach to achieve improved portion control. This surgery is facilitated by the precision of a robotic surgical platform to increase the procedure’s safety and quality outcomes. Sleeve gastrectomy has recently become a very popular procedure for surgical  weight loss for patients who are battling obesity. Sleeve gastrectomy tends to have fewer long-term complications as compared to gastric bypass or duodenal switch. We are led by Dr. R.M. Bonnor M.D, F.A.C.S., an expert in performing primary as well as revisional weight-loss surgeries using cutting-edge techniques with robotic assistance.

If you believe you may benefit from a robotically assisted re-sleeve gastrectomy revision surgery, contact us  in Houston, Texas. Call (281) 579-5638 to schedule your confidential consultation.

What is Robotically Assisted Sleeve Revision Surgery?

Currently, many bariatric patients are opting for sleeve surgery to treat obesity. The procedure has recently emerged as an appealing alternative to gastric bypass surgery because a sleeve gastrectomy is a simpler operation with far less likelihood for long term complications. Despite long-term efficacy, sleeve patients may encounter issues that may need surgical correction. In these instances, Dr. Bonnor may recommend sleeve revision to get your weight loss back on track or possibly correct anatomic issues that may contribute to acid reflux or regurgitation. At Texas Endosurgery, Dr. R.M. Bonnor specializes in robotic surgery, a platform to enhance techniques in surgery. 

Can You Gain Your Weight Back After Sleeve?

Patients may stop losing weight or even regain some of their lost weight after a sleeve surgery. Patients usually present one year to 18 months after the initial sleeve surgery for  revision.[1] It is during this time when some patients notice changes in portion control or acid reflux not responsive to medical therapy. In such situations, robotic re-sleeve gastrectomy is more than an opportunity to revise the procedure.


Robotic “Re-Sleeve” Gastrectomy Houston

Candidates for re-sleeve are patients who have previously undergone sleeve gastrectomy but are experiencing weight regain due to decreased portion control. Such stumbling blocks can be a common obstacle for bariatric patients.  Some patients may relapse because of some unexpected change in their lifestyle or financial circumstances.[3]

If regaining weight or other complications arise, gastric re -sleeve surgery could be a consideration to restart your weight loss and recommit to a healthy lifestyle.


In a re-sleeve gastrectomy, Dr. Bonnor will reshape and resize the stomach pouch (or sleeve”) so that it will once again function to suppress your portions. A properly functioning sleeve gastrectomy is intended to help with portion control and not necessarily appetite.[4] 

The sleeve surgery is considered less complicated than other, more involved bariatric surgeries, like gastric bypass. The sleeve technique does not require any rerouting of the intestinal tract.  For these reasons, sleeve gastrectomy has become the preferred weight-loss method. 

Other options are available for treatment of weight regain following a sleeve gastrectomy.

Depending on your current BMI and or medical conditions, a revision to a gastric bypass may be more appropriate such as in patients who are experiencing significant acid reflux. A sleeve may also be revised to a duodenal switch surgery. During a duodenal switch surgery, the patient’s sleeve is combined with a specific type of  intestinal bypass. The duodenal switch represents a more profound revision of the original sleeve, but it may be necessary, depending on the severity of the patient’s situation. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Revision Surgery covered by Insurance?

Your insurance provider may cover bariatric revision surgery.  This coverage mirrors that of primary bariatric surgery.  Many plans exclude bariatric surgery denying your coverage of this procedure regardless of your weight or medical condition.

What is sleeve revision surgery or re-calibration of a sleeve gastrectomy?

Gastric re-sleeve or recalibration is a procedure to recalibrate or reshape a previous sleeve surgery. The purpose of this recalibration is to enhance portion control by reducing the size of the stomach. In sleeve surgery, the size of the stomach is reduced by 70 to 80%. Sometimes,  patients overstretch their stomach pouch, leading to poor portion control and other complications.


  1. Filip, S., Hutopila, I., & Copaescu, C. (2019). Re-sleeve Gastrectomy – An Efficient Revisional Bariatric Procedure – 3 Years Results. Chirurgia, 114(6), 809. 
  2. Beckmann, J., Mehdorn, A.-S., Kersebaum, J.-N., von Schönfels, W., Taivankhuu, T., Laudes, M., Egberts, J.-H., & Becker, T. (2020). Pros and Cons of Robotic Revisional Bariatric Surgery. Visceral Medicine, 36(3), 238–245. 
  3. ‌Saliba, C., El Rayes, J., Diab, S., Nicolas, G., & Wakim, R. (2018). Weight Regain After Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Look at the Benefits of Re-sleeve. Cureus. 
  4. ‌Nedelcu, M., Noel, P., Iannelli, A., & Gagner, M. (2015). Revised sleeve gastrectomy (re-sleeve). Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 11(6), 1282–1288.